Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A little update on DonkeyMails

Yeah, so now I've around 6 cents. It's still nothing but hey, I got something for doing absolutely nothing. It turns out that if you were truly a dedicated clicker you could be making a few extra dollars each week. Simple statistics and calculations can be found to prove this, but I'ld rather not elaborate on this as its clearly something you'll have to try yourself.

DonkeyMails.com: No Minimum Payout

Monday, November 5, 2007

Day Three: An Introduction to the Realm of Broken Index Fingers and the Myths of Paid-to-Click Systems

It's day three. Yeah day three, not day two, nor day one, but the dreaded third day. It's the day where some break down out of frustration and others rise to reign the world of online cash. Okay, not really. Yet at the same time it's always been the third day thats been the most arduous in any aspect of work, whether its a full-time labour job or part-time online job. Either way, it just happens to be that the bulk of all introductions is considered complete by the third day and that now the 'serious stuff' should be developed. And yes, I agree!

After having run my errands last night I decided that it was time to try out a new program that I recently had listed as 'active' and 'loyal' in my inventory of programs but simply didn't have the time to try. I'm talking about the Paid-To-Click program introduced by DonkeyMails.Com. Okay, so the name isn't particularly appealing to those seeking a potentially serious source of income. But what have we to lose? It's free!

As with all Paid-To-Click programs, the DonkeyMails.Com system involves a rotator script (Cash Conqueror, or whatever that is called) that displays banner advertisements on a given page and prompts you to click on them. A short line of text below each Ad tells you how much you would be making per click. And it turns out that:

WidgetBucks - Trend Watch - WidgetBucks.com

Wow! I could be making a whole 0.1C by just clicking a link! (disregarding that you can only open up one at a time and you have to wait ten seconds each time) Right? Well now, statistically speaking thats 10% of one cent or a mere 1/1000th of a dollar. Okay, thats great...NOT! Where are the hundreds that everyone has been talking about?

As a matter of fact, they don't exist if you rely simply on clicking advertisements by yourself. PTC or Paid-To-Click programs were initially designed so that the 'advertiser' could promote his or her product and that the 'site owner' could make ridiculous amounts of money by just hosting a site. May we call ourselves idiots for believing that these programs actually work? NO! What we can say is that we are masters-of-the-clicking trade in training; we are there to abuse and rape the PTC systems of their fruitful glory.

Okay, maybe thats a little harsh, but in order to win we have to defeat the system. It's like playing a game of Chess (or online checkers for those too lazy to learn the rules) against the grandmaster Kasparov. It looks impossible, but it's not! By understanding the ideology upholding the PTC market and the intricacies of the level systems we can DEFEAT THE SYSTEM!

I'ld like to handout a few bullet points now so that the *ehem* 'serious stuff' can be introduced swiftly and you can be on your way to making cash online!

Pre-Game: Remember my post on PayPal? Well now it's time to get an account!

1. Register for an 'active' PTC site rather than simply registering for any site you find. To check if it's indeed active you'll need to check if there are a lot of advertisements being posted and that they are all cash redeemable. If the Ads are mainly based on a 'points system' then forget the site and move on. It shows that the site is dying or moving in a different direction than what you need.

2. Just try it out! Play around with it for a few minutes to an hour and see for yourself how much each click yields.

2 1/2. Make sure that the levels system (referral system) pays decently.

3. RECRUIT OTHERS! In order to truly make more out of your clicking you should recruit others. But make sure, and I can't emphasize this enough, make sure that they register under your referral link. Otherwise the site will see no connection between you and them.

4. Stay consistent until the payout limit is reached. Try to stay with sites that have lower payout limits so that you can atleast churn out a small reward.

5. Enjoy clicking?!!

Okay, it's not that simple and I'll have to refer to this at a later point in time. Here's a screenshot of my earnings in the past two days with DonkeyMails.Com. It may not be much, but its something! Every penny saved is a penny earned, as they say! Or something like that....

I made 4 Cents!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wait! What! Free Stickers? O Rly? No Wai!

So it has just been announced that ZacJohnson.Com is giving away free 'I Make Money Online' stickers. Okay, so it wasn't just announced. The promotion started on October 30th, and yes, well yes it is November 4th today, making my post about five days late. But it's okay, better late than never, no? I was actually thinking of making some myself until I realized that, well, I don't have money to pay for them! Ehh, nevermind. I don't need stickers to tell me that the online life is great. Props to Zac though for giving us something we all need on our ferrari's, *ehem* laptops.

Anyway, if you guys want to check it out just hit up his site at ZacJohnson.Com.

I'ld love to get my fifteen stickers but hey, US only!

I'll just have to make my own then. Oh wait, I need money...right! I placed a PayPal donation link below so IF you're interested in helping me enjoy the full fledged experience of owning some stickers, DONATE! :P

Stay tuned for some lolcat and Day 3!

Day Two: The Redemption

So yesterday I sort of touched upon my rejuvinated interest in PayPal, E-Gold, and the rest of 'pseudo-online-banking'. Okay, it's not really online banking but more a superior system of helping you waste more money online. Call it what you want. No big deal. PayPal's main advantage to people like myself and all those wishing to improve their financial situation via online money making is that its free. Essentially, PayPal is a free online bank account that you can use to manage your finances whether you have a credit card, a real bank account, or nothing at all. There are a few other systems that we could use instead of PayPal, but PayPal, with all its flaws, is the most popular and most widely accepted within the online community. In short, get yourself a PayPal account. It's free!

So now that we've laid down the ground rules, or the basis for our approach to richness --- we now have a free bank account --- we can focus on the primary sources of income online that require NO skills and NO previous education. It's so easy a four year old monkey could do it! Okay, maybe not a monkey. Maybe not a bear either, but it all boils down into several simple systems that we can use.

Let me note that while a cent is worth practically nothing in the real world, many cents are worth something. Theres an old trick from the days when I was in middle school that said the following. Tell your parents, your father, your guardian, or whomever controls your allowance that you want to be paid in the following fashion. One penny on the first day, two on the second day, four on the third day, and so on for an entire month (considering that it's a 30 day month). Come to think of it seven pennies for three days is absolutely nothing. It's a joke, you can't do much with that but if you keep doubling it for a whole month you'll end up with $10,737,418.23! It's called compounding. Do the math yourself and you will be impressed by the power of the penny! Or not... it's essentially just another stupid thing to make you look clever.

Looking clever may be appealing to most of us but cleverness does not and cannot substitute for our financial goals. Unless you impress some super-hot-model-chick that makes a couple million each photoshoot and given that you end up marrying her. Then yes, cleverness is quite cool.

Referrring back to my notion about systems --- we should look at what the internet can offer us. Now I know, and I can't emphasize this enough, it's not that hard to set up your own service that replicates the systems we are trying to use but we simply do not have the time for a full-time job. And it is a full-time job. Most will deny it but yes, hosting a site based solely on advertisements is a full-time job (as with any serious website).

So back to the systems! Here they are (shoot me if ever rant like this again!):

1. Paid-to-Click
2. Paid-to-Read
3. Paid-to-Review
4. Paid-to-Signup (Referrals - Can be free, can also not be too free)
5. Writing
6. Human Intelligence
7. Online Communities
8. Blogging for Cash (I guess, this could fall under writing, but it's such a grand topic that it deserves its own category0)
9. Online Gambling

I've listed nine systems so far, each with its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Forget MLM's and all these other get-rich schemes. Yeah, so they exist, yeah they worked in the Soviet Union for a while, and yeah they got trashed with only a few people actually making the promised amount of cash. The systems I've listed above have worked for me in the long run. I'm not advocating that you'll be able to make thousands each month by just clicking and reading and clicking and reading. It's not that easy. Give or take a good month could end up just throwing out something around $15 per site. Yet in the long run with refferals and gold memberships you could be making $50 or $100 off that same site. Essentially it all depends on how you approach these systems and how you deal with them over the course of a few months. In almost all cases, however, you will be succesful. Life cannot kick you in the ass 24/7. It gets tired too.

And on that note, I'ld like to leave you for a while, until either tonight or tomorrow where I'll post some indepth analysis and guidelines (yes, a TUTORIAL!) about one of the systems stated above. Oh and by-the-way, there are more out there --- just see for yourself!

Day Three: An Introduction to the Realm of Broken Index Fingers and the Myths of Paid-to-Click Systems

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day One: Death By Motivation?

Motivating yourself to take on the task of collecting twelve-thousand dolars, 12k, twelve-grand, a dozen deuces, or however you would like to call that five digit number, isn't as easy as it sounds. An idea was born, yes an idea was born, let's work for our money! Yeah right, that's what everyone says. The non-conformists and ridiculously rich then tell you that you should make your money work for you. Well what if you don't have any to start with? What if you're just some low down college guy that doesn't have anything to work with yet because he's busy racking up wicked grades so that one day he will have a great job? You could steal! You could rape people until they bleed money, yes you could make them pay you for nothing; for staying alive. Blood thirsty and distorted you haunt throughout the realm of illegality and federal offenses until Mr.FBI tells you: "STOP! You're under arrest!". Twenty-five to life is your sentence. Death is your salvation. Would you like to live a life like this?

I know I don't! After days of tinkering around I finally began with establishing some sort of a basis for my motorcycle project. Wait a minute! You're talking about serving twenty-five to life and then you're talking about a basis for some motorcycle project? How does this all relate? I don't understand your logic!

No worries, there is no need to understand any logic as of yet. Let me introduce myself, My name is DC. I'm a young guy, something between 17 and 24, quite handsome, not too tall but not short either, and pretty damn desperate to get my hands on that 12K to get my motorcycle. Hey now, let me slow down again. I was for quite a few years a free-lancing graphics designer with no formal education, no website and no real income. Barely enough to keep my partying sustained I roamed the streets looking for job opportunties within my field. I was and still am, dead broke. No cash for a site, no cash for an apartment, no cash for nothing. And it's time to change that! And you can help and be part of it, or you can just sit down and listen.

I've always been a strong proponent of hard cash. Cash that you can feel. A tangible form of currency. Nothing online or digital. Credit Cards? Forget them! The days of the #cc IRC channels may be over (to some extent) and cumbajohnny caught his load of fish in the sea (*hats off to the BlackEnforcer), but hell no, credit cards are no safe form of payment. All in all, I ain't no fan of digital cash. No e-gold, no PayPal, none of that stuff even remotely interested me until now, with exception of the credit cards which still don't interest me.

Stumbling along the internet with my new found interest in PayPal and E-Gold I found the get-rich side of the internet. Yes, all these years I avoided it. A pro at X-ing out; they didn't even bother me. And yes, it all sounded pretty simple. Put cash in get triple the amount back. But I didn't have any cash and all these sites looked so dubious that even a four-year old could say that something ain't right.

Luckily, luckily, luckily I found some sites that were actually quite interesting and reputable. Listen up guys, it's quite late here and I have to run. Stay tuned for Day Two: The Redemption!