Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day One: Death By Motivation?

Motivating yourself to take on the task of collecting twelve-thousand dolars, 12k, twelve-grand, a dozen deuces, or however you would like to call that five digit number, isn't as easy as it sounds. An idea was born, yes an idea was born, let's work for our money! Yeah right, that's what everyone says. The non-conformists and ridiculously rich then tell you that you should make your money work for you. Well what if you don't have any to start with? What if you're just some low down college guy that doesn't have anything to work with yet because he's busy racking up wicked grades so that one day he will have a great job? You could steal! You could rape people until they bleed money, yes you could make them pay you for nothing; for staying alive. Blood thirsty and distorted you haunt throughout the realm of illegality and federal offenses until Mr.FBI tells you: "STOP! You're under arrest!". Twenty-five to life is your sentence. Death is your salvation. Would you like to live a life like this?

I know I don't! After days of tinkering around I finally began with establishing some sort of a basis for my motorcycle project. Wait a minute! You're talking about serving twenty-five to life and then you're talking about a basis for some motorcycle project? How does this all relate? I don't understand your logic!

No worries, there is no need to understand any logic as of yet. Let me introduce myself, My name is DC. I'm a young guy, something between 17 and 24, quite handsome, not too tall but not short either, and pretty damn desperate to get my hands on that 12K to get my motorcycle. Hey now, let me slow down again. I was for quite a few years a free-lancing graphics designer with no formal education, no website and no real income. Barely enough to keep my partying sustained I roamed the streets looking for job opportunties within my field. I was and still am, dead broke. No cash for a site, no cash for an apartment, no cash for nothing. And it's time to change that! And you can help and be part of it, or you can just sit down and listen.

I've always been a strong proponent of hard cash. Cash that you can feel. A tangible form of currency. Nothing online or digital. Credit Cards? Forget them! The days of the #cc IRC channels may be over (to some extent) and cumbajohnny caught his load of fish in the sea (*hats off to the BlackEnforcer), but hell no, credit cards are no safe form of payment. All in all, I ain't no fan of digital cash. No e-gold, no PayPal, none of that stuff even remotely interested me until now, with exception of the credit cards which still don't interest me.

Stumbling along the internet with my new found interest in PayPal and E-Gold I found the get-rich side of the internet. Yes, all these years I avoided it. A pro at X-ing out; they didn't even bother me. And yes, it all sounded pretty simple. Put cash in get triple the amount back. But I didn't have any cash and all these sites looked so dubious that even a four-year old could say that something ain't right.

Luckily, luckily, luckily I found some sites that were actually quite interesting and reputable. Listen up guys, it's quite late here and I have to run. Stay tuned for Day Two: The Redemption!

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